Starburst / Express / Stars
Beginning to intermediate dancers ages 3-15
Each May we evaluate our dancers in order to best place them in team classes for the coming year. Before the auditions, we offer two informative meetings for both dancers and parents to learn about the requirements involved with each group and ask any questions they may have about the studio, class policies, etc.
Information Meetings:
Wednesday, May 8, 6-7pm
Thursday, May 9, 4-5pm
Cost: $50
Clothing: For the ballet audition, a solid colored leotard, pink tights, ballet shoes and hair in a bun is required. For the Jazz audition, your choice of outfit.
ALL dancers must have a parent consent form signed by a legal guardian in order to audition.
All audition results will be emailed on Wednesday, May 29.
New team registration and parent orientation meetings will be held June 12 & 13. Parent attendance at the team orientation meeting is required. Summer classes will begin Monday, June 17.
Two day workshop for beginning to intermediate dancers ages 3 years and older who are interested in dancing with one of our performing teams (Starburst/Express/Stars). All ages are as of the audition date. Dancers not currently on Jazz Club or Company who wish to audition for those more advanced teams must go thru this audition first.
Student evaluation and class placement for dancers of beginning to intermediate level who have attended the workshop is held Thursday, May 23. These dancers are being considered for the Starburst team, Express team and Star teams. Please understand that times may change depending on the number of dancers auditioning in each age group.
Dancers ages 7yrs and older showing more advanced skills in these placements will be invited back to participate in the advanced audition for Company or Jazz Club Friday or Saturday depending on age. Dancers invited from the Thursday audition to attend on these days do not pay a second audition fee, however they will need to pay the $200 deposit required for placement in either Jazz Club or Company and they must have a signed Jazz Club/Company parent permission slip. This $200 fee will be credited towards May tuition 2025 if placed on Jazz Club or Company. If the dancer is placed on the Star team this fee will be refunded.